Color & Graphic System
Visual Branding
Created for Wise Inc.
As part of a brand refresh, the BlockFi logomark stood ready for a transformation. With a mission to infuse it with humanity, I set out to redefine its essence. By softening the edges and further sculpting its curves, the logo now emanates warmth and familiarity, as if to welcome you with open arms to a new yet recognizable experience.
Condensing the color palette so to be used strategically brought stability to a diverse arrangement of visual styles prospective users engage with. Creatively, this made top funnel designs more memorable and recognizable. The two sets of Blue gradients were chosen as hero colors, used prominently to embody the brand. Green became synonymous with the people within Wise. And Amber as the alternative palette or for subgroups within the company.
Once the colors and their intentions were set, it was time to bring a new dimension to the shapes within the system. The parallelogram, skewed at the same angle as Wise’s logomark, and the circle, gained depth. Carefully crafted gradients created a sense of volume - now including shadows, highlights, and mid tones.
Implementing the graphic system into the product helped bring harmony to areas previously lacking of brand representation. Used to surprise and delight but with a purpose, the graphic system indicated something happening. In the app, it moves back and forth on an angled grid, again at 23.5°, when the users start the Pull-to-refresh action. The speed of the animation was tuned to represent the speediness and reliability of the product. Much like money being sent and received amongst users.
Similarly, promotional videos gained new end-slates to nicely wrap up the content. The hero Blue grid reveals the logo moving with speed and intention. Creating motion with a purpose.